HTIAA – Houston

Huston-Tillotson International Alumni Association – Houston Chapter


From the President Patricia J. Greenwood

President’s Greeting

I bring you greetings in the name of our beloved HT! As Houston Chapter’s President for 2023-2025, I am proud to continue our legacy to serve our university. This year, the Houston Chapter’s theme is Rebuild—Revive—Renew—Regrowth: We are Here! I will work diligently to build, grow, and move our chapter in the right direction.  I am dedicated to making a difference within Houston and surrounding areas through a commitment to recruit and retain alumni, high school and transfer students, as well as friends to be a part of the ‘fRAMily.’

I look forward to moving onward with the work of the Houston Chapter, as well as Huston- Tillotson’s International Association. Please follow our chapter’s website and other social media sites to gain information about local and national activities and events, as well as becoming a member of the HTIAA Houston Chapter.

In Union Strength,
Patricia J. Greenwood
HTIAA Houston Chapter President


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